Truly Peace Punk Artshow

Volcom celebrated its spring Featured Artists program in Madrid, Spain on Friday 10 of May, with the TRULY PEACE PUNK artshow, a raging party at the White Lab gallery.



Bill Noir Live Collage
Bill Noir Live Collage
Works of Elzo Durt, Mario Duplantier and Bill Noir were exhibited, Bill did a live collage while Elzo spun some records and free drinks were flowing from MG gin, Lagunitas and Desperados, all this leading to a power live show from The Shrine… No excuses if you missed the party, it was all free!
The brand-new venue got inaugurated/Baptised properly


Many thanks to the artists Bill Noir, Elzo Durt and Mario Duplantier, to The Shrine, to the excellent Lamono magazine (grab one copy and check the artists reviews in there and the sick cover), thanks to White Lab (sorry for the cleaning crew), MG Gin, Heineken, Lagunitas & Desperados for the drinks, to the event staff and to everyone who came enjoy the show with us.
All photos from @adriosphoto and video from Thanks Skateboarding
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