Shoot Rainbows, Works by Ozzy Wrong at TT Liquor Report

Last Thursday saw Ozzie Wright land in London to host his special ‘Shoot Rainbows’ art show in the heart of Shoreditch at TT Liquor; a TRULY unique venue.
Spirits were high and the beer was flowing. The night immersed all in attendance with rainbow cocktail classes, vintage cinema room showing Ozzie’s surf movies, live music from ‘Mooon’, DJ’s, Ozzie’s fresh new machine-sewn artwork and an expression wall for anyone and everyone to get creative themselves. It’s fair to say that the night went off and the crowds celebrated the release of Ozzie’s new collection ‘Shoot Rainbows’ in true Volcom style.
Thanks to everyone who came enjoy the night with us and everybody that helped us organize the event: TT LIQUOR, Posca pens, Brewdog, Sam for the build outs, DJ BBQ and Mooon for the music
All pictures by: Ali Painter Photography

Sprits were high

Sewing machines rule
A colourful evening

Mood wall and free Posca pens

Draw Or Die mood wall

The main reason to throw a party

Brew dog Lager

Cocktail class masters with Schoph and friends

DJ BBQ just released a new cooking book but is also still DJing


Ozzie and Veeco clips

the Mooon gig got the audience psyched