Words by Moritz Amsüss

First idea

When starting to think about this project in September 22, I knew that I wanted to focus on riding spots that are not just gnarly but also photogenic and preferably rough and urban looking so that both the riding and the scenery are enjoyable to watch. From the beginning, I had the idea to create animations that are based on visual elements taken from the locations and spots. In my mind it would make the locations even more interesting and could add up to a sick composition when putting the footage together with the motion graphics.

Photo: ©TheoAcworth

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Names and Meanings

Both Ljubljana and Klagenfurt have dragons as their landmarks. The name Ljubljana is translated as “beloved”. The Slovenian word Drago is translated as “dear one” and oh yeah, we got cozy in the lovely streets of Ljubljana!

So that’s where the title DRAGO came from.

Photo: ©TheoAcworth



Obviously, the final film is way different from what I’ve been imagining in 22. But I am hyped about that process from pondering about locations and visual moods in the beginning to actually having a clear look and tangible footage at some point. In the end I asked myself “How did we get here?”.

The actual riding and shooting is such a small period of the whole project but that’s where the actual magic happens. That’s where you swop ideas and imagination for experience and reality.

Photo: ©TheoAcworth

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A 2-week adventurous snowboard trip to Ljubljana (Slovenia) - the City Of Dragons, and Klagenfurt (Austria), captured by Sebi Madlener, featuring Moritz Amsuess, Simon Pircher, and Flo Corzelius. Graphics and animations by Moritz Amsuess. Editing by Sebi Madlener. Still photography by Theo Acworth.